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Date d'inscription : 05/04/2009

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MessageSujet: Liste d'addons   Liste d'addons Icon_minitimeLun 6 Avr - 1:07

Voici ma liste d'addons.

J'utilise le logiciel WoWMatrix afin de gérer leur mise à jour automatique.

Les addons en gras sont ceux que je trouve les plus importants ou les plus pratiques.

Codes couleurs:
Gras : mes préférés parmis les autres
Cyan : addons de developpement (debug) ou librairies pour d'autres addons
Rouge : mes indispensables
Blanc (non gras) : Dependance/Modules d'autres addons ou addons moins significatifs


!Swatter - Debugging tool for handling and displaying of error messages in a useful way.
Ace2 - AddOn development framework
Ace3 - AddOn development framework

AckisRecipeList - Scans your tradeskills and tells you which recipes you are missing, along with information on how to obtain them.
Babble-2.2 - A library to help with localization.
Bagnon - Single window displays for the inventory and bank
Bagnon_Forever - Stores inventory information about your characters
Bagnon_Options - A configuration menu for Bagnon
Bagnon_Tooltips - Tooltips for telling who has what
Bartender4 - Simple and Advanced combined - Bartender4 ActionBar AddOn

BigWigs - Modular, lightweight, non-intrusive approach to boss encounter warnings.
BigWigs_Azeroth - Big Wigs Azeroth Modules
BigWigs_Extras - Big Wigs Extra Plugins
BigWigs_Naxxramas - Big Wigs Naxxramas Modules
BigWigs_Northrend - Big Wigs Northrend Modules
BigWigs_Plugins - Big Wigs Core Plugins
BigWigs_Ulduar - Big Wigs Ulduar Modules
Cartographer - Addon to manipulate the map
Cartographer_Battlegrounds - Module which provides maps of battlegrounds.
Cartographer_Coordinates - Module to add coordinates to the bottom of the world map of the player and the cursor.
Cartographer_Data - Cartographer_Herbalism, Cartographer_Mining and Cartographer_Treasure data updated daily
Cartographer_ExtractGas - Gas Extraction mapnotes for Cartographer (based on PinPoint by Ammo)
Cartographer_Fishing - Fishing mapnotes for Cartographer (inspired by FishingBuddy, Gatherer and Cartographer_Herbalism)
Cartographer_Foglight - Module to show unexplored areas on the map.
Cartographer_GroupColors - Module which turns all your party's and your raid's POIs into circles colored based on class, and shows a number on them based on their raid group.
Cartographer_GuildPositions - Module which shows you your fellow guild members' positions, as well as allowing them to see you.
Cartographer_InstanceLoot - Display of loot on instance bosses.
Cartographer_InstanceMaps - Module which provides maps of instances.
Cartographer_InstanceNotes - Module which adds default notes to the instance maps.
Cartographer_LookNFeel - Module which allows you to change the transparency, position, and scale of the world map.
Cartographer_Notes - Module which allows you to put notes on the map.
Cartographer_POI - Module to manage points of interest.
Cartographer_Professions - Stub for loading Cartographer module addons based on your professions.
Cartographer_QuestInfo - Quest library for mob location and other information
Cartographer_QuestObjectives - Remembers the locations of quest objectives.
Cartographer_Waypoints - Module which shows an arrow to direct you to a specified note or location.
Cartographer_ZoneInfo - Module which on hovering over a zone, will show the levels of the zone, the instances in the zone, their levels, and the number of men the instance is made for (e.g. 5-man, 40-man).
DoTimer - Displays duration timers for DoTs/HoTs, cooldowns, and your buffs/debuffs
DoTimer_Options - Options GUI for DoTimer

EnhancedFlightMap - Adds enhancements to the flight system!
EquipCompare - Compare items easily with ones you have equipped (2.15)

FlightMap - Adds a tooltip to the world map showing flightpaths into and out of regions, and region level ranges.
FuBar - A panel that modules can plug into.
FuBar_AlarmClockFu - A FuBar Alarm Clock
FuBar_DurabilityFu - Keeps track of durability and pops up a dialog to repair when you go to a vendor who can.

FuBar_EmoteFu2 - Allows you to easily access emotes, saving the time and hassle of memorizing the emote commands! Ported from FuBar_EmoteFu and TitanEmoteMenu by Dsanai of Whisperwind.
FuBar_FactionsFu - Shows your standings with the factions.
FuBar_FriendsFu - Displays online friends.
FuBar_GarbageFu - Drops the least valuable item in your bags to make space.
FuBar_GroupFu - Combination of Titan LootType and Roll - stripped down and cleaned up.

FuBar_HealBotFu - Simple FuBar plugin for HealBot
FuBar_MoneyFu - Keeps track of current money and all your characters on one realm.
FuBar_OutfitterFu - FuBar support for Outfitter
FuBar_PerformanceFu - Keeps track of performance of memory, latency, and framerate.
FuBar_ProfessionsFu - Opens professions and shows their skill level.
FuBar_QuestsFu - Keeps track of quests.

Gatherer - Gatherer, displays stuff you gather in your minimap and world map
Gatherer_HUD - The HUD is a navigation component that allows you to track the location of gatherables on your screen in a heads-up style overlay.
GathererDB_Wowhead - Gatherer preloaded database, courtesy of
GatherMate - Collects Herbs, Mines, Gas Clouds and Fishing locations and adds them to the worldmap and minimap
GatherMate_Data - Wowhead Data dump for GatherMate
GatherMate_Sharing - Database sharing module for GatherMate
GatherTogether - Gathering database bridging module for GatherMate and Gatherer
GatherTogether_GathererSupport - GatherTogether Gatherer support
GatherTogether_GatherMateSupport - GatherTogether GatherMate support
GatherTogether_MetaMapSupport - GatherTogether MetaMap support
HandyNotes - Handy notes for your maps
HandyNotes_Directions - Database of locations that city guards direct you to for HandyNotes
HandyNotes_FlightMasters - Database of FlightMaster locations for HandyNotes
HandyNotes_QuestGivers - Database of QuestGiver locations for HandyNotes
HandyNotes_Trainers - Database of Trainer locations for HandyNotes
HandyNotes_Vendors - Database of Vendor locations for HandyNotes
HealBot - Adds a panel with skinable bars for healing, decursive, buffing, ressing, range checking and aggro tracking
ItemDataCache - Caches item data not readily available from API at any time, such as vendor sell/buy prices, and provides it to other addons that require such information.
MobInfo3 - Adds information about the hovered mob to the tooltip and shows health/mana information in the target frame
Outfitter - Clothing and weapon management and automated equipment changes
Prat-3.0 - A framework for chat ehancement modules.
QuestHelper - Calculates an optimal route for you to follow while questing.

Routes - Routes on your worldmap and minimap!
SharedMedia - Inserts some media into LibSharedMedia's storage.
simpleMinimap - manipulate the minimap in numerous ways; move, scale, skin.
SlideBar - Allows alternative placement of minimap icons into an expanding bar tab that sits on the side of the screen.
TankPoints - Calculates and shows your TankPoints in the PaperDall Frame.
XPerl - Replaces the normal unit, party, target, pet frames and adds target-of-target.
ZooKeeper - Try to keep them thar pets wrangled

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